Monday, June 3, 2013

This Week's Top Three (Monday, 5/27/13 through Sunday, 6/2/13)

Well, after finally getting the family settled in a new home, it is definitely time for TWT3 to return ... and just in time for the end of the season on Game of Thrones and Mad Men ... and in time for the premier of The Killing and Longmire with Breaking Bad, The Bridge and Dexter's final season on the horizon.

This week looked like a slam dunk for me after watching Game of Thrones prior to watching The Killing or Mad Men. But, by the end ... the No. 1 show for the week was not as clear cut as I had previously thought as we had some excellent storytelling on AMC.

3. The Killing, Episodes 1 and 2, The Jungle and That You Fear The Most. I had high hopes for the return of this series after such a thorough botching of Season 2. And, the best cop duo on television did not disappoint despite a little bit of slowness in pacing for the season premier. The first time Detective Holder, says, "What up, Linden," had to bring a smile to the face of many fans of this duo and the new case is a nice fresh angle for the show. I am eager to see the ratings numbers because I already have a sense that I would like to see a Season 4. As for the show ... a slow pace still did not hurt the strong amount of intrigue that has been placed in a number of different spots. I am very curious to see how this all weaves together throughout the season and think that the inclusion of the entire "street kids" storyline could be quite a treat. The casting of the fantastic character actor Gregg Henry as Holder's new partner should provide great repartee to go along with the great connection between Holder and Linden.

2. Game of Thrones, Episode 9, The Rains of Castamere. Just wow. Fantastic television. Sure, all the fan boys/girls who have read the books knew this was coming, but it is often difficult for TV to stay true to source material with such popular and seemingly essential characters. With the unbelievable death of Ned Stark at the same time in Season 1 ... this betrayal and brutal killing of the matriarch and eldest son of the Stark household was unreal to watch. But, as the story was going ... had to happen. This is obviously a Game and when Robb and Catelyn chose to play it their way and shun others rules there was only one ending that could occur. Lost in the drama of the last 15 minutes was the great storyline where Jon Snow was just steps from Bran, who witnessed Snow's turn on the wildlings. Rest assured this is not the last we have seen of Jon Snow and Ygritte and we all know the Starks, and even their bastard son, are quite the suckers to the wiley ways of a woman they seemingly love. So, it will be very interesting to see how this story plays out in next week's finale and in the future of the show. Also, Daenerys just keeps gathering wealth, power and men. Once she comes for the Iron Throne it is going to be interesting to see how much those that are all playing their Game across the sea will defend against her might.

1. Mad Men, Episode 10, A Tale of Two Cities. While Game of Thrones was good enough to launch it from the middle of the pack to a potential Best Drama Emmy nod ... Mad Men keeps holding down the fort. It is apparent that I love it a lot more than many other critics out there this season, but I don't see a single flaw in this season so far as they build toward Don Draper's ultimate fate in Season 7. As the new merger continues to cause strain at work, Draper is constantly in flux with trying to decide who he is and what he wants away from the office. The constant pushing of Pete Campbell to the side is going to erupt into something as well. Should be very interesting to see where he goes as his personal life continues to fall apart and as he feels his security at work is being threatened. John Slattery once again proved to be a wonderful director in this episode as it was full of great one-liners and still very Roger-heavy despite Roger being behind the camera. With Draper's umpteenth near-death experience over with ... will he make any changes or will this just be yet another warning sign he fails to listen to?

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